Part of the problem is IndyGo's computer system. Both their website (https://www.indygo.net/plan-your-trip/) and IndyGo's myStop app (promoted at https://www.indygo.net/plan-your-trip/track-my-bus/) don't always suggest the best stops. For example, if I ask to take the bus from "Indianapolis International Airport" to where I live, it suggests I get on the bus at that far off bus stop at "W. Perimeter Rd. & North Service Rd" instead of the one closest to the terminal. It also suggests I get off at a bus stop that is a block away from the closest bus stop to my address. (It suggests walking by the nearest bus stop on my way home!)

Adding to IndyGo's financial woes (if only a little bit), I can get free rides on the bus. How? There's been something wrong with their mykey app. If I select "Ride Now", it shows a QR code that is to be scanned on the bus. I did two roundtrip bus rides separated by about six months last year. It never scanned properly for me. However, they let me ride anyway because my phone's screen accurately shows a balance of $5. Who knows how many other people are affected by this, but it could be a large number as I think I saw it happen to another rider.

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